I will be the first to post from France-yay!

Technology is an amazing thing unless it’s not working?

So if we didn’t have the amazing talents of a techie on board this adventure I would be resorting to pay phones to call and let our friends and family know we are ok…like in the good old days. Funny thing is you are hard pressed to find a public phone anymore. Guess that happens… what with cell phones in almost everyone’s hands these days?

We had no phones for the first few days because our SIM cards never made it to us in time before we left so they couriered them to Bonnieux where they were waiting for us when we arrived two days ago. Many hours later and voila! we have phones working again and wonderful wi-fi.

Minor stuff really. We are not wanting for anything and are having a great time?

Jetlag is a real drag but well worth the suffering to be able to experience what we are doing. Alexander swears jetlag is not affecting him but I beg to differ plus I have the proof on camera of a little boy catching some flies in the back seat last night?

So we arrived on Monday and slept our first night in Marseille after many many hours on the plane…a bed never felt so good to sleep in! We picked up our car rental no problem and headed out north to the Luberon. My driver is doing exceptionally well zipping around these narrow and sometimes winding roads. The Luberon is just gorgeous and the people very nice. There are many tourists as you can well imagine but we have our wonderful little sanctuary in Bonnieux. We stop back here in the afternoons for a little siesta and then we head out again to explore. We Found a much needed lake last night as the temperatures are warm but whose complaining…not I?

I will sign off before this turns into a book. Bonne nuit to you all back home as we start another amazing day here.
Will upload pictures soon.