London plus

London calling   We are having a great time London. But…we are a bit tired and worn down and ready to come home…I think ? Yesterday was an amazing day at the Harry Potter Studios. We started out on a package we booked before we left. It takes you out...

Aaaah Paris

Bonjour mes Amis Nous somme a Paris! Il fait tres chaud☀️? Hier nous sommes alles a la Tower de Eiffel. Ok that’s all I got. The nice thing is we have AC in our room for the first time the whole trip. Now that’s something to be thankful for. The last time...

Tour De Eiffel

Tour De Eiffel Today we took the Metro to about a block away from the tower. Dad tried to point it out to me but I wasn’t really paying attention ?. About ten seconds later I looked up and got my first glimpse of the Eiffel Tower?!!! It was way bigger than I...

Fêtes Nationales (Bastille Day)

We spent the French National Holiday exploring the town of Bayeux,our base for our own Normandy campaign.  One of the things on my bucket list was spending time at Canadian war memorials – something we didn’t do our first time in Europe 20 years ago....

Colmar and area

Bonjour encore A quick post from me as I hope others will put some posts up soon about our adventures 😉 wink wink nudge nudge We have been staying in Colmar since Wednesday and are heading out today. Our stay was great. The town of Colmar is beautiful. We changed...

Annecy and area

Tammy encoreBonjour!So we just left this beautiful area on Wednesday. The appartment we rented was in the heart of the old town of Annecy. The weather is still so hot even up here! We found out that the big attraction to Annecy besides the charming old town was the...