Bonjour encore

A quick post from me as I hope others will put some posts up soon about our adventures 😉 wink wink nudge nudge

We have been staying in Colmar since Wednesday and are heading out today. Our stay was great. The town of Colmar is beautiful. We changed things a bit and did more kid-centric stuff like the toy museum (wait til your see the pictures from that) This museum was really fun!  We also took the cheesy “choo choo” train through the town.

Because of the heat we have been hiding out more in museums here although they don’t really have air conditiong!LOL

The Unterlinden museum was really interesting and we all had our favourite parts. The Bartholdi (designer of  the Statue of Liberty) museum was great too.

We went to Chateau du Haut-Koenigsbourg that is only a 1/2 drive from here. Amazing! One the members of our party was lost for a short time in here so we had a bit of a search and rescue to add to the experience…not mentioning any names ;0

Both the toy museum and the Chateau are on Alexanders shopping list when he makes his millions.

Yes, of course, we found a lake to cool off in one afternoon too. They are a little harder to come by around here it seems but we managed to find one. There are pools here but from the research we did (and we may have to check it out for ourselves) males are required to wear more “speedo” like bottoms (no shorts). Well I have asked but Ron and Alexander have made it clear they are not wearing them. As much as Alexander loves swimming I think he would rather cook in the heat than wear a speedo 😉

When we are not being all touristy we follow suit with the locals and go out for a few hours in the morning and come home for the afternoon heat and then go out again at dinner. Works pretty good!

The last half of our trip gets a little more fast paced (yikes!) as we head to Normandy. We have a one night stop in the champagne region ( yum) and then to Arras for 2 nights to visit Vimy Ridge and Flanders Fields. We head to Bayeux for 4 nights and then Paris for 4 nights also. After this we fly to Farnham Common/London for our last week.

Bonjour for me and Bonsoir for you.