Tour De Eiffel

Today we took the Metro to about a block away from the tower. Dad tried to point it out to me but I wasn’t really paying attention ?. About ten seconds later I looked up and got my first glimpse of the Eiffel Tower?!!! It was way bigger than I expected!!! I thought that it would be out as tall as our house but it was sooo much bigger! It was so hot outside☀️?.

We decided to walk up the stairs to the second floor. At first I thought it was a great idea?. The line was super short and the stairs weren’t to steep. After 328 steps to the first floor I wasn’t as enthusiastic… 341 more steps and I was done. We did make it to the second floor though, and that was our goal. Walking down the stairs was so much easier! We were so hot that we had to get an ice cream from a street vendor and then we sat in the shade.

