Found the waterfall on Castle Hill

Found the waterfall on Castle Hill

Looking out our apartment

Looking out our apartment

Zayacs on the Promenade des Anglais

Zayacs on the Promenade des Anglais



We have had some wonderful days on the beach and exploring Nice. What a culture shock tho! It is a busy touristy place at the best of times but with Euro 2106 happening this place is packed at certain times of the day even near our off the beaten track apartment. The first 2 nights found us waking at 2:30am to nationalist soccer club songs, the next night we were entertained with a 12:30am sing off between France and Ireland ( we think) Too funny! Last night we ran into a group of Vancouverites on their way to the Iceland vs. England game here in Nice. What gave them away?…Hmmm I guess it was the blowup moose head and Canadian soccer jerseys. Was actually really nice to talk to someone from “home” ?Ron went out to watch the game on tv last night…it was our first quiet night last night…Iceland soccer fans are clearly not as rowdy as the others ?

Anyways another quiet day for us. Hannah is actually “bored” she says…bored in Nice…could be worse places.  Ron is fighting with some website stuff (web server difficulties?) But we are heading to the beach again soon…I know tough to be us.

Nice beaches

Nice beaches

Found a cool cemetery yesterday

Found a cool cemetery yesterday

Hannah is trying to get a post up but is caught up in the server difficulties and the pictures she wants to post…stay tuned!